Influence of Social Media Content on Consumer Purchase Intention: Mediation Effect of Brand Equity


  • Mersid POTURAK International Burch University
  • Sumeja SOFTIĆ International Burch University

Ключевые слова:

Social Media Communication, e-WOM, Brand Equity, Purchase Intention, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Social media is forming an increasingly central part of how companies communicate their marketing strategies to their customers. This study aims to provide an empirical analysis of the impact social media communication has on brand equity and purchase intention using linear regression. Before conducting the analysis, a systematic literature review has been carried out in order to understand how the dimensions of social media create word of mouth i.e. electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on social media platforms and how this e-WOM further influences brand equity and customers’ purchase intention of domestic brands in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 300 data sets were collected through a standardized online survey and analyzed in SPSS with the conclusion that all the constructs identified in this research have a significantly high correlation and impact on a customer’s decision to buy a domestic product The results of the empirical study showed that both firmcreated and user-generated social media communication influence brand equity which creates of a fully mediated effect between e-WOM and the purchase intention.



Как цитировать

POTURAK, M., & SOFTIĆ, S. (2019). Influence of Social Media Content on Consumer Purchase Intention: Mediation Effect of Brand Equity. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 12(23), 17-43. извлечено от


