Diversity Management and Its Impact on HRM Practices: Evidence from Kuwaiti Companies


  • Oualid ABIDI American University of the Middle East
  • Halil ZAIM American University of the Middle East
  • Dina YOUSSEF American University of the Middle East
  • Houshang HABIBNIYA American University of the Middle East
  • Alper BARAN Independent Scholar

Ключевые слова:

Diversity management, Human Resources management, Service Sector, Labor Market, Kuwaitization


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Diversity Management implementation in Kuwaiti context and try to reveal its effects on human resource management practices. Data was collected through questionnaires from a variety of companies in the service sector in Kuwait. Convenient sampling method is applied. Among the questionnaires distributed 354 useful ones from 87 different companies were considered. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with varimax rotation is used to determine the underlying dimensions of HRM and DM. Furthermore, a regression analysis is used to measure the effects of diversity management on HRM. The major findings of this study are as follows: first, there is a positive significant relationship between Diversity Management policies and Human Resources Management practices. The “ability to manage people from different backgrounds” have the most significant effect on HRM practices, followed by “Ability to work in harmony with people from different cultures” component, then “Avoidance of discrimination” component.



Как цитировать

ABIDI, O., ZAIM, H., YOUSSEF, D., HABIBNIYA, H., & BARAN, A. (2017). Diversity Management and Its Impact on HRM Practices: Evidence from Kuwaiti Companies. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 10(20), 71-88. извлечено от https://ejbe.org/index.php/EJBE/article/view/187


