A Content Analysis on Management and Terms related with Management in the Quran


  • Kürşat ÖZDAŞLI Mehmet Akif University
  • Oğuzhan AYTAR Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University

Ключевые слова:

Management, Terms related with Management, Business, Quran, Content Analysis


Guidelines and principles feeding the system of belief have the power of diverting behaviors of an individual included in that system as well as being able to affect the management style of managers. Therefore, use of the term of management by basic sources of Islamic belief and which other sources it refers to along with the term of management will be helpful in understanding the holistic message given in terms of management in Islamic style, and approaching from a different aspect to the management literature. This study aims to reveal characteristics of management and related terms in basic Islamic sources, and with which words and in what aspects they are associated and used, and to see the perception of the religion of Islam on management. The content analysis conducted in this context included examination of the verses containing the terms of management, administration, leader, directing and steering.



Как цитировать

ÖZDAŞLI, K., & AYTAR, O. (2014). A Content Analysis on Management and Terms related with Management in the Quran. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 7(13), 157-172. извлечено от https://ejbe.org/index.php/EJBE/article/view/128


