Bibliometric Analysis of Emerging Bond Market Research: Performance Insights and Science Mapping




Emerging Bond markets, Science mapping, Bibliometric analysis, Conceptual structure, Performance Insights.


This bibliometric paper investigates the research landscape in emerging bond market literature, spanning 1993 to 2023, and encompasses a total of 325 research articles. Employing a multifaceted approach, it begins by examining publication trends, core journals, prominent authors, influential articles, and keyword dynamics, providing a comprehensive overview of research dynamics in this domain. Beyond performance analysis, the study ventures into science mapping using co-word analysis to uncover the underlying conceptual structure of the emerging bond market field. The bibliographic data has been drawn from Scopus and analyzed using the Bibliometrix R package, providing insights into the current dimensions of emerging bond market studies. This analysis facilitated the identification of five major keyword clusters, i.e., sovereign bonds, the impact of financial crises, yield curve, corporate bonds, and Islamic bonds in the emerging bond market space. Based on these themes, the study also suggests avenues for future scholarly exploration in this specialized field.


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How to Cite

SINGH, J., & SEHGAL, S. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis of Emerging Bond Market Research: Performance Insights and Science Mapping. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 17(33), 133-154.


